Primary Services


  • Water and sanitation infrastructures


The African continent has abundant renewable water resources estimated at over 5,400 billion m3 per year.

Despite this abundance of raw water resources, Africa faces the challenge of water control for the essential needs of its economic and social development, with more than 40% of the population lacking access to drinking water.

The water and sanitation sector must adapt to the phenomenon of demographic growth while compensating for the certain lack of infrastructure. Increased cooperation between public, private and associative actors and users is necessary.

It is the adoption of a new science integrating social, technical, economic and financial engineering that will make it possible to establish short-term solutions and to establish long-term inclusive strategies, making the situation evolve in a sustainable way.


  • Energy production

  • Energy distribution networks


The continent remains dependent on fossil fuels for over 75% of its electricity production.

The Covid-19 pandemic reminds us that, without energy, it is not possible to provide certain vital care, to ensure the continuity of the education system, let alone to telework. Today, electricity remains inaccessible for more than 600 million Africans. The energy solutions of the future must be resilient and affordable.